Friday, January 21, 2005

Dear DJ of the "easy listening" radio channel,

Thank you so much for playing Wilson Phillips "Hold On" for me this morning. That made the one-handed hair drying process a little better.

Dear Hair stylist friend Amy,
Thanks for coming to my rescue last night when I called to tell you that I got a big gob of epoxy stuck in my hair. Not only did you cut it all out, but now my hair has that wonderful "fly from the barber shop or fresh from the beauty salon" bounce.

Dear Co-worker,
Thank you so much for moving my model and giving me a hear attack when I came into work late this morning and thought that the cleaning people broke/hid/threw it away. That was really nice and so thoughtful of you.

Dear Program that ordered pizza for lunch,
It was awesome to have that fresh pizza sitting unguarded for me to steal to sustain my arduous work load this afternoon.

Dear Manager,
Thanks for letting me take Friday afternoon to spray paint our models. It will be a great way to spend this beautiful sunny 70 degree day.

Dear God,
Thanks for the weather.


Maggie said...

Dear Katie,
Thanks for entertaining me for a few minutes at my very boring shift at work today. Nobody ships things on friday.

Jinnmabe said...

Is that a "Summertime" reference I caught up there?

Michele said...

This is a wonderful post and a brilliant idea. I LOVE it. Now I must go create a thank you list for the many people in my life.

Let me begin by saying thank you for the kind words in your is an honour to be one of the sites that you like. The feeling is mutual. Your blog is great. Now I think I have some blogrolling to do......

fMhLisa said...

Just Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
Thanks for posting :) I love it when you do.

Katie said...

Mags-Sorry work is lame. Tell Dan hi for me.

Paddington-Yeah, I thought that line up while I was "chillin in the car I spent all day waxing"

Michele-No prob pal...thanks for excusing the typo on your blurb, I haven't had a chance to fix it yet.

GFF-A pleasure as always