Thursday, March 24, 2005


Oh. Sweet. Glory.

Reese's is making peanut butter cups in the form of Easter eggs for the holiday and they are sweet ecstasy in a brightly colored foil wrapper.


Mrs. Architect said...

You need to check out

She has a recent post about easter candy reasearch and it is pretty funny. Talks about reeses eggs which are *definitely* better than the regular cups!

poodle said...

I wait for these all year, then stock up and freeze them. mmmm....

Anonymous said...

YUM! I just ate too many of those last night at my girlfriend's house :)

Anonymous said...

YUM! I just ate too many of those last night at my girlfriend's house :)

Anonymous said...

There seem to be a few choc-o-holics here... ;)

Ah, easter.. The time of the year where we celebrate the birth of Christ by eating chocolate Eggs that a Rabbit layed.

As opposed to the other time we celebrate the birth of Christ by leaving cookies out for a big ole guy who has a big white beard.