Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Here's a juicy question

Is/was being homosexual considered "cool" in your high school?


Anonymous said...


But then, I'm from Wyoming..

teamwebb said...

"Gay" kids kept it hidden. However, it was cool to have homosexual aquaintances or even friends.

The Unprocessed Project said...

Not as much in high school as it was in college.

Anonymous said...

ayiyi NO not at all. College... much different. Then again, that's when Will & Grace, Sex & the City, Queer Eye all started, I'm sure that contributed to it.

Maggie said...

No way. The other guys stayed away when they knew a guy was gay.

Heather said...

No, the kids at my school were pretty cruel to anyone who was known to be homosexual.

Anth said...

Being gay is trendy at my sister's high school right now (she's 17).

Mrs. Architect said...

NO NO NO!!!! And even in college it was the same way. There was a fraternity that had a rumor (dunno if it was a rumor or not) that a guy in the frat was, and it ended up causing the frat to completley shut down from it. I went to a school in the deep south though.

I do think that queer eye and will and grace have helped it become more trendy and cool throughout society since they have graced our airwaves.

chosha said...

There's no doubt it's become more trendy. I thought it was well expressed on that t-shirt Carson wore in one episode that said, 'Gay is the new black'.