Monday, July 18, 2005

Ah, yes, I almost forgot

My dear friend over at the Pink Poodle has reminded me to remind you all that my 24th birthday is on SATURDAY! Hooray!


Mrs. Architect said...

and yet ANOTHER july birthday!! I think over half the bloggers on my side bar links have July bdays. Yours is ONE day before mine (and marc's)! :-)

Maggie said...

Hmmm, what to get, what to get. I already had a great present in mind, but it got ruined! Now with only a few days left I have to start over from scratch!

N.F. said...

So, you are almost a Pioneer Day baby? :)

Anth said...

Happy Birthday Week, Katie!!! **big hug**

Anonymous said...

awww happy birthday week!! Mine is next friday the 29th.

Alice said...

Another Cancer? I love it. Happy 24th Katie!

Susannah said...

Mine is on Monday! (I was due on Pioneer Day.) Yay for July babies!

Happy early bday, Katie!