Friday, August 12, 2005

My country 'tis of thee

Have you ever been in a group of people and you say something you think is totally normal, but when you look around the table you realize that what you though was normal is actually very very abnormal?

I think that's how my friend Derek felt at lunch today.

We were talking about how some people don't know what shooting stars really are and how we thought that was kind of strange. Then, I said I knew someone who didn't know there was a Washington State. Then, Derek said, (and I'm not joking here) "well, I don't know what the DC stands for."

I paused for a minute not really comprehending. Then, it dawned on me that the "DC" he was talking about was the "DC" in "Washington DC." Like the capitol of America. I was floored. I half laughingly informed him that it meant District of Columbia. Everyone in hearing distance looked at him in shock.

He then tried to prove that hardly anyone knew what DC meant by asking everyone else at the restaurant. After 100% of the people polled knew the answer he started feeling a little sheepish.

I was blown away.

We've been back from lunch for an hour now and he just came to ask my friend in the next office over all about how DC is run if it isn't technically a state.

Didn't everyone learn this in like, 7th grade?


Katie said...

Are you really equating not knowing what a Rally Cap is to not knowing that DC means District of Columbia?

jasmine said...

I have moments like those every once in awhile, somewhat humiliating, but a good learning experience none the less.

Not necessarily the point for this comment though. Jsut thought I'd mention that I am from CO. Isn't it such a wonderful place!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for him. He probably feels pretty bad or like an idiot for not knowing. It's a small thing, but I feel sadness for him because he might be an intelligent guy.


The Unprocessed Project said...

Apparently the Oak Ridge Boys are going around the US teaching people the National Anthem. Do people really not know the National Anthem? Thats almost as crazy as not knowing DC.

Derek said...

Oh no! He gives the rest of us Derek's a bad name! :)

Maggie said...

"When I think of capitol I think of Seattle!" --R.M. circa 2002

Davey From The Block said...

Nice. You don't know me, but I found you through Faye Min's blog. I like the story. I hope he didn't feel stupid.


Anonymous said...

i've done stupid stuff like that. last week at girls camp i asked, thinking it was a real mind boggling question "have you ever wondered where birds go at night?" and my friend just answered "in their nests" i felt stupid but we had a good asking what d.c means is really not as dumb asking what i did.-your cous. racheeny

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for him too! he's probably still soooo embarrassed.

Mrs. Architect said...

Thats hilarious! Poor guy! I can just see him trying to prove a point by asking other people and slowly...everyone knows the answer! :-(

juanita said...

Poor guy! Everyone has their moments of not knowing things that everyone else knows. I always wonder where Jay Leno gets some of the people that he asks basic questions- things that almost everyone should know. He goes out on the street and asks random people very basic current events or historical questions. I always wondered if the people really don't know something or if they are playing silly. Nita