Friday, November 11, 2005

A few nice things

Dear Southwest airlines,

    Thank you SO much for finally deciding to pick up Denver as one of your destinations in January. You really have no idea how much it means to be to be able to get a cheap flight to anywhere your friendly airline flies. When I moved to Denver, and learned that you did not fly here, I deemed it as the single fly in the ointment of Colorado. Thank you for restoring my belief that this is the ideal place to live.

PS Do'nt tell anyone but I think this will be the last nail in the coffin for United. He He He

Dear People in my Spanish class,
    I am a little dissapointed that only two of you showed up to our Spanish only dinner last night. I thought we had all made a lasting friendship and I was sorely dissapointed that only two of you felt like it was "cool enough" for you to attend. Shame, shame on you.


Dear Student that I TA,

    Still, two days later, I am a little disgrunteled with your treatment of me, your TA. When you confronted me in a very combattive matter, I responded equally combattively and now I feel there is a rift between us. Please know that if you had treated me with the respect I deserve as your evaluator, this whole situation could have been avoided, and we both would have been satisfied. The way things stand now, we are both just annoyed.

Dear Ear Doctor,

    I know right now you are stressed and worried about the conference, but just know that I think you are so accomplished and so well prepared that you will do an amazing job. Say hi to Shamu for me.


Dear Makers of the Williams and Sonomoa 2003 Christmas CD,

    You have no idea how much joy your product has been giving me the last week. I have been letting the happy, hopeful songs on your recording drift through the air of my car and it has made this incredably difficult and long week bareable.


Dear Person who brings the doughnuts to work on Fridays,

    Really, my appreciate for you has no limit. I have been looking forward to this moment all morning. The first, glorious, sugar filled and chocolate covered bite brings me close to nirvana.



Anonymous said...

Thank you, my living room is nice huh?!? I hope that you have better luck and that next week is just a little brighter...

The Unprocessed Project said...

You make me crave donuts every time I read your page!

Mrs. Architect said...

Dear Katie,

Thank you so much for assisting in my procrastination by posting so regularly!


Anonymous said...

I. want. donuts.

Kim Dubois said...

Can I hear more about Southwest flying to Denver? That's the best news I've heard all day.