Monday, March 15, 2010

Perfect moment

Saturday afternoon at around 3 it was sunny and 65 degrees outside. I was up to my elbows in thin set finishing the kitchen back splash and the ear doctor was measuring (twice before cutting once) the under cabinet open shelves.

We heard the tinny sound of the entertainer lilting on the breeze. The ear doctor looked and me and said, "The ice cream man! Wanna go get some."

For a second the adult in me kind of laughed and I was about to say no because, really, what kind of grown up runs out the curb with a dollar in had to get some ice cream. And then I realized *I* was exactly that kind of grown up.

30 seconds later I was eating a giant ice cream sandwich and the ear doctor had a choco taco.

We sat on the trex deck that WE own in OUR backyard and greedily consumed our spoils. For a moment I looked around and realized that my dreams had come true. I had a beautiful house, a man I love more than anything and a melty fist full of ice cream sandwich.


Mrs. Architect said...


Melinda said...

Awesome!!! Love the "choco taco"!!! LOL!

Janssen said...

Well, now I have to go buy some ice cream. And blame you for it.

Katharina said...

And that, dear girl, is the very definition of bliss.

p.s. I, too would chase down the ice cream man. And it would be an ice cream sammie every time.

TRS said...

Aww. That's beautiful!

cropstar said...

I can't think of a more perfect moment!

Jamie said...

Absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely the most perfect moment and a beautiful life!