Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Making new friends

The ear doctor and I have mastered the art of being an aunt and uncle. Got it down cold.

Last night we invited a newly acquainted family over to our house for dinner. They brought their three adorable little girls; ages 7, 5 and 2. And it was rad. Here is the evidence of our aunt-ly and uncle-ly awesome-ness:

  • I made homemade chicken fingers from scratch because I've never met a kid who didn't like chicken nuggets
  • I made sure there were 2 different fruits and make mom happy
  • The bright red fruit punch was super sweet and sugar win all around
  • During dinner I took the older girls to the bathroom and showed them around so mom could enjoy the adult conversation
  • The little 2 year old was on her second day of potty training and when she successfully asked and went at our house I was super excited and gave her a jelly bean
  • I let the little girls spray down our dog, despite the fact that I'd just mopped the kitchen floor and muddy paw prints would be inevitable. The dog loves this and it's our favorite way to play with him.
  • The ear doctor engaged all three little ones in an epic pillow fight complete with the toss-the-kids in the lovesac game
  • Just as they were leaving I let them pick flowers from my garden to wear tucked behind their ears
And the best thing?

  • Fed the kids early enough so that mom could get them to bed on time and doesn't have to do a single dish at home!


Anonymous said...

Can I come over for dinner?!

Seriously, as a mom, it's really hard for me to accept invitations to my friends houses if they don't have kids. I am terrified my kids will break something or be loud or annoy the hosts. I would be DELIGHTED to meet a friend like you and have such an amazing experience! I bet those parents left your home feeling loved, well taken care of, and so happy to have been visiting you- just the way all guests should leave dinner parties! Go Katie!

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Watch the red punch - the spill result is disaster. I have a patched carpet as a testimonial.
Aunti M

Anonymous said...

The world needs more people like you.
grandma jane