Friday, June 18, 2004

Good News

Today my functional manager called and told me that I might be moving to a different department beginning in July. I am really excited about this because it is a chance to learn a completely different discipline. And, since it is completely different for me, they won't be expecting much. I can impress them with how fast I can pick up on things. The position is going to be in the detector lab here at my company. I'll probably spend a year learning all about how to design them and how to use them. Then, I'll probably start doing a lot of traveling to vendors, and being leased out to different programs to give them design advice as an "expert" in the field. I am way excited. The only hitch is that they leader of the lab wanted a senior designer (which I am far from). My functional thought that what I lacked in experience I could make up with enthusiasm. The other hitch is that there are a few people up for the job, so I have to interview to see if I am the best fit for the job. I really hope I get it, as it seems like something small enough within the company that I could really excel at. Just thought I'd share my good news with everyone.

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