Thursday, June 24, 2004

New Job

I didn't think that I wanted this new position in the detector lab so badly, but the closer my interview gets the more anxious I am. All three of the heads of the department are going to interview me at once, which will be a little intimidating. I can just picture it now. All three of them will be sitting behind a large shining mahogany desk staring down at me in a rickety rolling office chair with orange upholstery. The room will be a little dark and shadowy except for the one bright hanging lamp above my head. They will ask me questions about how to calculate the current flowing through a huge looped circuit and as the beads of perspiration start to develop on my forehead I will look to the ceiling trying to remember some fact I found trivial in school that would now impress them and show them I am worthy of such a prestigious position. Yikes!

My interview is at 3 this afternoon in Boulder, so by 2:30 this work week will be over for me. I'm heading down to Durango for the weekend with a group of friends, so there won't be any posts until I get back on Monday.


  1. You'll blow them away I'm sure.

    No posts until Monday! Rude!

  2. Good Luck scooter.

  3. Call me after the interview before you head out please
