Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Vegetable Car Derby

So last night for FHE we brought in a bunch of vegetables and toothpicks and had people make cars out of them. Then, we raced them down a partially collapsed table. I thought this activity was going to be lame, but it was actually pretty funny to see someone let a potato with 4 zucchini wheels go and see it come to a halt half way down the ramp. Plus, my new crush came and he was dreamy, so that made it worth while. I know I said I was going to avoid romantic entanglements this summer, but he is going back to school at the end of the summer, so this has the potential to be a fun summer fling. I was getting a pretty good vibe from across the room, but right after the activity was over I had to go to our weekly FHE committee meeting and by the time that was over he had left. Lame. I hope he comes to institute on Wednesday.

I also got my hair cut yesterday. It was REALLY cute and I wish I had a digital camera so I could show you all, but unfortunately I don't have one. (My birthday is coming up soon, hint, hint)


  1. Well, you're not getting one from me. I think you'll like what I'm going to give you. I think it's genius! Good thing your crush goes to FHE, mine doesn't go. The only hope I have of seeing him is at institute and church. Lame. Oh well, we'll see! Good luck!

  2. Is mom still reading my blog. That last part was meant for her to see.

  3. Well, as she is in San Franscico this week I think probably not. She's not a true fan like I am, but I bet I could get her to read it when she gets back.

  4. Yes I check out the blog when I can... hmmm camera? There are so many different kinds.

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