Tuesday, June 08, 2004

what I'm reading

I don't know what to read next. I think I'll give Da Vinci Code a try. Everyone else has read it, and I want to be able to talk with everyone about it, so I'll follow the herd. My two friends who have most recently read it finished it really fast, so I need suggestions for my next endeavor. I like pretty much anything. My latest books have been: Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum, Angles and Demons by the author of Da Vinici Code, Life of Pi, David Copperfield, No Second Chance by Harlen Corben. (Just so you know the wide range of books I like)


  1. the da vinci code was awesome, you should definitely give it a read. did you like life of pi? i loved it

  2. I liked Life of Pi, but I also thought the twist at the end was a little freaky. My favorite part was the island, but I don't really know why that was even in there. This is what my old roommate said about it, and I agree:

    I thought Pi was a little too precocious at the end - debating truth and meaning with adults while supposedly 17 years old. Seriously. The carniverous island was funky. But it seemed like he just threw it in for the following reasons: I think the author wanted Pi to have the record for days at sea, but there's the issue of food. So he invented some food so Pi could recoup, but then he had to come up with an reason why Pi wouldn't just stay there forever. When Pi unrolled the "fruit" and found the tooth, though, that part was crazy! Gave me the creeps.

  3. I recomend anything by Gregory Maguire. He is so good! But then again you know how much I got swept up in reading his book, Wicked, over Christmas break. His new one, Lost, just came out and I started it yesterday and I can tell it promises to be another of his good ones. I really like the twist of the point of view in all his books.
