Thursday, July 15, 2004

Best Parents in the WORLD

I know a lot of people think that they have great families, and they probably do. Some families are great, but mine is the BEST...hands down! For a year I've been taking fiddling lessons just as a way to learn something new and to not waste all the time and money that has been put into my musical education. On August 7 there is a contest that my teacher told me I should sign up for. I thought about it and decided what the heck. Well, I told my family I was going to do it, and my parents decided to fly down here to watch me play. How cool is that?!?!?

So my crush on the mail man grows DAILY. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and just smiled thinking about him. I haven't felt this way about a guy since Derek in college. He is just so interesting to talk to. Also, this is big, he scraped off the orange numbers that have been on my windshield for WAY too long. Last October I was in Provo, and parked my car overnight in my sister's apartment complex parking lot. Well, if you know Provo, you know the end of this story. It got towed. When they tow your car, they use this weird waxy crayon to write down a number to keep the lot organized. Well, I didn't wash the numbers off right away, and they became a hard, cemented-on feature of my car. I wash my car religiously every Monday afternoon, but (much to my chagrin) the bubble brush and the high pressure soap would not dislodge the identifying numbers. My ex-boyfriend would always comment on the numbers and I would always make some kind of comment back about him scraping them off to show me how much he cares (this of course was just a joke, but it kept me from actually cleaning them off). I was floored when last night the mail man grabbed a razor blade, strode casually out to my car and scraped the numbers off in a matter of minutes. He passed a test I didn't even know I was giving.

The mail man, his brother and I stayed up talking really late last night. Turns out his brother has NEVER had a girlfriend. He hasn't even ever really gone on a second date with someone. This kid is 22 years old and still has yet to find anyone he really wanted to seriously date. How does that happen? There are SO many interesting people out there. It boggled my mind. I kind of feel sorry for the first girlfriend because she is going to assume that he knows someone about being in a relationship because he is so old, but he won't know anything. He'll make all the first-timer mistakes and she'll be so frustrated.

So things with the mail man are heading down a path I know well. The path of, "I just think you are the greatest girl, and I can tell you are crazy about me, but I just really don't see anything happening." It is a well traveled path for me, dating back to my first death crush, Nate Usher. This kid completely had me head over heals, but never led me on to think things were going to move in any romantic direction. Because he acted like a grownup we are still friends to this day. I don't really know what I can do in the situation I am in now other than just roll with whatever comes.


  1. Maggie and I think you are sooooo weird. And we know weird because we have mirrors.

  2. Whats so weird about that post? Usually I can find the weirdness and be like, "oh, that is true, I'm strange." but it is scary when I read back over the post and don't think anything is weird at all. It means my definition of strange may not be on target.
