Thursday, July 08, 2004

Ice Cream and Reviews

My fiddling lesson after work went really well. I told my teacher that I am going to play in the contest in Loveland on August 7, so now we are focusing on getting my rounds put together. I hope that a fiddling contest is different from a normal violin contest. My past is filled with stressful failures when it comes to violin, and I really don't want to get into that again.

After my lesson I went over for institute, but it was cancelled because the teacher's wife went into labor. I guess that's a good enough excuse, but I was really bummed for 2 reasons. First, there was a chance that my favorite mail man would be there. Second, I really wanted to go waterskiing this morning and I wanted to set it up with the guy who has the boat. Alas, neither happened, so I was outta luck.

I went home and finished up the invitations for my party. The preliminary guest list has almost 50 people on it. I had no idea I knew that many people in Colorado. I have to go back to the craft store tonight and get more paper for invites. I'm just going to invite everyone. That way if only half can come I'll still feel like a lot of people care. I'm tricky huh.

So I was just sitting around watching a movie and I realized that I didn't want to do that all night again. So, I decided to call up the mail man. It took me about 15 minutes of weighing the possibilities before calling him up. I've never called him before, and to be honest, he never really gave me his number. Once I was looking at his phone comparing its ghetto-ness to my own phone and I called my number. That way he'd have my number and I'd have his. Tricky, huh. Anyway, after realizing that the worst case scenario was that he would laugh in my ear and tell me that I am way too losery to hang out with I decided I could handle that, and I called him up. I was a complete idiot on the phone, but somehow invited him to come over to my house and then we'd drive to Coldstone. I've decided that I will stop giving guys a hard time for not having the guts to ask out someone that you like. That is REALLY hard!

We got ice cream and talked until 12:30 in the morning. He is a really interesting kid, and way cute, but for some reason I just wasn't getting all that excited. We sat on opposite couches and talked about his last girlfriend. In January he broke up with a girl he thought he was going to marry. The week after he did it, he started thinking that he'd made the wrong choice and the stress was so intense that he got hives. He's really interesting, but the whole conversation kind of sent red flags up all over the place. I told him about Derek and everything I learned from that relationship. It was kind of funny because after I talked about Derek, I found out that mail man and Derek had worked together two years ago on the Unity IV rocket project at BYU. Small world.

Since I made the first effort to show him that I want to be his friend by calling him up out of the blue, its his turn to return the favor. If he is interested I think I made it really clear that I am too. If he isn't, he's a retard.

I just got my mid-year review back and it looks GREAT! I think I'll probably get a pretty big step increase, so maybe I'll actaully buy that washer and dryer I've been meaning to for 3 months.

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