Friday, July 16, 2004

In response

I was reading my friend Loyd's blog this morning. I was about to comment on his post entitled "All I want for Christmas is..." and say that there are lots of girls who can be consistent for a few days, lumping myself into that desirable category.  Then, I read back through my posts just from this last week and I realized that, if those girls do exist I am for sure not one of them.  I'm all over the place.  No wonder guys have such a hard time trying to figure us out.  We are random and unpredictable and often erratic.  All I can say is, that is the nature of the game guys.  You've gotta take the good with the bad. 


  1. it's the estrogen. you girls can't help it.

  2. Yeah, I wish there were some control, but every time I think I'm doing a decent job of consistancy I realize it is all a sham and I'm the same old girl I've always been.

    I think Mags is the same way, despite the comment she left on your blog.

  3. I totally admit that I'm not consistant. I'm emotional and dramatic. I think that to a point boys are the same way. If we're going to blame it on hormones then boys have peaks and stuff in hormones too. They can be just as inconsistant. (Granted I would generally say that girls are more extreme.)

    I think what Loyd was referring to on his blog is the relationship stuff. I think that in a relationship I have been surprisingly consistant. Once I like you I like you for good. Anyone that knows the history between me and my last sort of boyfriend would have to agree that was the case.
