Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Last night Eric took me to the Incubus concert for my birthday.  It was AWESOME!  I really love that band.  Brandon Boyd is a little weird, but for the show it was great!  I knew almost every song (they played some from back in the day when I didn't listen to them yet).  They played Drive, which was the song that introduced the band to me.  In the middle they dropped out all the instrumentals and two voices just harmonized and counterpointed the melody.  It was so cool.  Plus, it was great to go with Eric.  He is the best, and except for one awkward moment when we leant toward each other a little too close to hear what the other person was saying, everything felt completely platonic and fun.  I don't know why, but sometimes that kid can still make my stomach do a flip flop if he looks at me right.   I don't think that means I'm not over him, I think it means that I still think he's attractive, which is true.  I mean, the kid is hot.

I was going to go waterskiing before the show, but a storm decided to roll through during the precise hour I was out on the lake.  Bummer.

Tonight I am going to bed early.  I have to, I'm just exhausted.  Maybe I have mono. 


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I saw Incubus a couple years ago (Hoobastank opened for them) and it was a dang good show. I love Incubus... my best friend RJ hates them though... it's a sore spot in our relationship.

    I totally understand what you're saying about being over someone and still sometimes getting the tummy flops because they're so stinkin' hot. Let's be honest, it can be annoying, but it totally happens.

    Glad youhad a good time at the show!

    -Sarah Marinara
