Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Some time at home

Yesterday after work I drove all around looking for the best place to have my birthday party in a couple of weeks. I've decided that I am going to have a roller skating party for my 23rd birthday. I am way excited. I think I am going to try to find some New Kids on the Block, Debbie Gibson and MC Hammer for the occasion. Maybe I'll pull out the black stretch pants and my scrunch socks. I remember having so much fun going to the rink and skating the couples skate with my crush in elementary school. Maybe I can get a repeat...that’s probably way to optimistic.

As soon as I walked into the first place my mind was a wash of memories. How come every roller skating rink smells the same? If you don't believe me, check it out, they totally do. Anyway, I really wanted to find a hardwood floor place, because that is what I skated on when I was little. Alas, I think that trend has fallen by the wayside. They are all made out of a funky plastic now. Oh well.

I talked for a while with one of the owners of one of the rinks. He was a nice old man that reminded me of my grandpa. I wondered if he had been running the rink since he was a young man and has witnessed the change of eras inside his dark, oval shaped, windowless world. That would make an interesting movie. Anyway, all the rinks I went to were pretty much the same so I am just going to pick the one that is closest to my house.

I was so proud because all I had were the addresses for the rinks. I just drove around and found them and didn't get lost or have to ask for directions once. I think I'm finally feeling at home in Colorado.

After scoping out the rinks I decided to go to the craft store to get supplies for making the invitations. I'm going to invite practically everyone I know to meet me at the rink at 7:30, but only a few to go out to dinner with me beforehand. Is that rude? I don't want to offend anyone by not inviting them to dinner, but I really HATE eating out in a large group. Everyone is just loud and you can't have a good conversation and when the bill comes there is pure chaos.

I was over at Michaels and I thought I'd stop by Eric’s and use his computer. I wanted to post my pictures from the trip to Durango, and the program that lets me do that is installed on his computer (since my company has completely banned downloading any programs). Anyway, when I got over there I tried to log onto his computer, but he changed his password. RUDE. I should totally be able to access his computer any time I feel like it (this phrase is said with total sarcasm).

So after all of these exploits I finally got home at around 6. Amy and Erik were home and sitting downstairs, so I went up to my bedroom. I ordered a pizza and ate almost the whole thing by myself while I started making the invitations. I didn't go out, I didn't call anyone, I didn't answer my phone. I just glued, ate pizza, drank my Barq's root beer, watched Tommy Boy and fell asleep on the floor of my bedroom. All in all a perfect night!

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