Friday, July 30, 2004

A total disappointment

Sarah and I went to 7eleven yesterday on our way down to the temple to get slurpees.  As I spotted the building on the horizon my spirits lifted.  Nothing can make my day better than enjoying a frosty, cherry, beverage with a friend on a warm evening.  Anyway, we parked and entered the divine institution. As we made our way back to the slurpee producing fountain of dreams, I began to experience a slight premonition of anxiety.  The spinning and whirling of the cherry goodness didn't look right in the front display of the tank.  It had a nice solid core of ice-ness, but around the edges did not look like it was measuring up to the exacting standards of consistency that I expect from a really fine slurpee.  However, the diminutive light next to the window that indicates freezing time for the slurpee was off.  I was torn.  Do I trust the technology in front of me telling me that the slurpee is indeed done and ready for consumption, or to I stick to my intuition and experience and avoid the sweet nectar?  Like a fool, I trusted the external sensing over my own deductive abilities.  I poured myself a half melted cherry slurpee and was totally disappointed by it.  What do we learn?  Technology can be deceptive.  It is better to rely on the human ability to discern. 

Other things of note that happened yesterday:
  • Tried a white chocolate and almond Hershey bar.  Delicious, but only being made for a limited time, so I'm thinking of stockpiling them.
  • Went to Sarah's parent's house in Denver and hung out with her sisters and mom for a while.  Funny family.  Her mom is a riot.
  • Discovered a king sized white chocolate peanut butter cup.  The cup was twice the depth of a normal cup with the same diameter. Dreamy
  • Wore a pair of shoes that I'm pretty sure are out of style now. 
  • Got chided in the temple for talking too loud.
  • Bought myself a CTR ring for the first time in my life.
  • Pretended to be thrilled for a friend who is engaged to a guy she's only been dating for a month.
  • Kicked myself for leaving my new digital camera in the car because the flowers at the temple were just unreal.
  • Skipped out on going to Chilis with a bunch of people in the ward after the baptisms. 
  • Missed the two calls the mail man attempted to make on the way back to Boulder because my phone was in the back seat on silent.
  • Called him back at 11:50 pm.
  • Realized how much I really like him.
  • Realized he is leaving me in 3 weeks. 
  • Realized I hate bad timing.

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