Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Better days are coming for you....

Well, today is significantly better than yesterday. That is good news.

Yesterday after work I went by CU campus to pick up an engineering book my co-worker suggested.


I got into the bookstore and saw the hordes of students buying their school books for the semester and I almost hyperventilated. All the girls were overly tanned, wearing mini skirts barely covering their butts, and Abercrombie polo shirts proudly displaying 4 inches of not-so-toned abs. Nast. That helped cure my longing to be back in school for a while.

At FHE the activity was finger painting. This was not my idea, but since I am the newly appointed chair or the committee, I have to make do. I made about 15 packages of pudding and dyed it all different colors and everyone stood around making pictures on butcher paper. I thought it was fitting that the first day of class be followed by a return to kindergarten. Anyway, people seemed to have fun.

I met this really "interesting" kid. He has spent the last year interning as an investment banker in Manhattan. He just came back to CU to finish up his last year of school and then he was heading back to NY. He told me all of this like I was supposed to be really impressed or something. I think my friends have desensitized me to being impressed. Spencer is at Harvard getting his MBA, Bryan is going to law school at NYU, Colin and Sarah want to be the power couple of Yale medical and organic chemistry grad school. They are some of my closest friends totally taking over the planet and he wanted me to be impressed by economic forecasting? Riiight.

Another thing I thought was pretty funny: He just became Mormon in May and since then he has read "Articles of Faith" which pretty much spells out our doctrine. He told me that he felt people were trying to teach him things too slowly, so he decided to learn at a faster pace. That's not what I found amusing. The funny thing he said was this (said in your most haughty voice): "I mean, I am a economics/finance major. I can pick up on things a little faster than your average person." I laughed because this is the kind of major snobbery that I found ALL THE TIME in engineering. It was funny to hear someone else say that. Like being in one major makes you intrisically smarter than someone else. He could be flunking out of school for all I know but he must be worlds smarter than someone in a "softer science" major just because of what it says at the top of his transcript. The really funny thing is that engineers always say that anything in business is just so brain numbingly easy it is a joke. (caveat: I've never said that because I've never taken a business class, so I have no way to compare the two)

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