Friday, August 13, 2004

Why I am the biggest loser ever

Last night I went out for dinner with Eric, his brother and Helena. Turns out I actually like Helena a lot and my whole year of preconceived notions about her were totally wrong. I hate it when I realize that I still have that personality flaw.

Anyway, we went to dinner on Pearl and then walked around for a bit. Eric's brother is really funny and nice. I liked him a lot. He is totally different from Eric. I mean TOTALLY different.

Anyway, they weren't really doing anything and the mailman had said that I could come over if I had any time so.....

I called him up at like 9 and asked if he was ready for me. He said he was in Boulder, but on his way home. I said that was cool and asked him to call me when I could come over.

My stomach really hurt from dinner so I decided to lay down on my bed to let it settle before I went over there. I'm sure you can guess what happened. I fell asleep at 9:30. Well, turns out he called me three times to come over, texted me twice, drove over to my house to check on me, started freaking out that something bad happened to me, called me two more times, and sent me another text. This morning I texted him and told him what happened. He told me he was really worried because it isn't like me at all to just drop of the face of the earth like that. The only time I'm ever without my phone is at church, so he thought I'd been hit by a bus or something. Pretty cute of him to be so worried about me. I told him I was bummed that I missed him last night (and I am) because I don't think we'll be able to see each other again. He said again that we'd hang out again because he has something to give me. A present? Interesting. I wonder what he would get me.

Anyway, I'm leaving this afternoon to drive over to Utah. My sister and her bf are driving down so she'll have her car there when school starts. My parents are flying from Spokane and my brother, his wife, and their two little girls are flying from Seattle. I'm excited to see everybody, but Utah isn't really my ideal vacation destination. I live there for 4 years. I'm totally Utah-ed out. At least I'll be able to see some of my rad friends that I haven't seen in FOREVER.


  1. Spending my vacation in the place I live 8 months out of the year wasn't my idea of a great vacation either. Mom has put together some stuff for us to do though so it might not be that bad. I love you and I can't wait to see you!

  2. Shoot, I can't believe that we're vacationing at a place no one wants to go to. That's what you get when you combine events, ie mission homecomings, driving to school and family reunions. Next year in May it's Disney world so all of the participants had better screw on their happy faces now!

  3. Shoot, I can't believe that we're vacationing at a place no one wants to go to. That's what you get when you combine events, ie mission homecomings, driving to school and family reunions. Next year in May it's Disney world so all of the participants had better screw on their happy faces now!
