Monday, August 02, 2004

Why I love Colorado

Growing up I never really did very many athletic/outdoorsy things. I grew up in Seattle where it rains 9 months of the year, making any kind of hiking or camping pretty hard. Plus, my mom grew up in Utah, so she had attitude about skiing on slushy snow. As a result I ended up doing mostly indoor things. I play the violin, love going to the movies, know my way around the Seattle science center like a pro, and have been to the best aquariums in the world.

When I moved out to Colorado I was all of the sudden thrust into a totally foreign environment. People here don't know how to do anything but play outside. It is just a given that everyone is into mountain biking, rock climbing and snow skiing. Well, I've decided that instead of letting the fact that I am really bad at this stuff because I just haven't been exposed stop me from trying it, I'd give it a whirl. I LOVE this stuff. Sometimes I wake up dreaming of a bluebird ski day in the middle of the summer.

Saturday morning I went out to the lake to try windsurfing for the first time. This is a GREAT sport! The wind was really light in the morning so I was able to really get the feel of pulling the sail up out of the water and sheeting into the wind. A little bit later the wind picked up and I was truckin across the water. It was WAY cool.

This morning I went waterskiing before coming into work. I can get up on one ski pretty regularly, but sometimes I cut too hard coming back into the wake and I end up eating it. My body is going to be REALLY sore tomorrow. Good thing the mail man hinted that he might give me a back massage tonight. (cross your fingers)

Tonight at FHE we are playing ultimate frisbee. I'm actually becoming one of the better players. I never knew it, but half of being good at sports is just thinking that you are actually good at it. This is something that I learned up on the slopes at Vail. If you grit your teeth and believe that you can get down a hill, you usually can.

Everyone probably is like, "duh" to this realization, but I have never really been sporty at all, so it is a new thing for me.

At church on sunday the mail man completely ignored me and talked with his exgirlfriend the WHOLE three hours. I was really annoyed, but then I realized that he's not my boyfriend, and I've only known him for two months. He dated his exgirlfriend for over a year, so obvioulsy their friendship means more to him than ours does. It just hurts a little to realize that, you know?

Last night we were over having family dinner at Amy's house (not my roommate Amy, another one). It was the best group of people. Eric, Brett, Amy, Kristian, and Jocelyn. That Jocelyn is just so cool. I really feel lucky to know her. She is so laid back and chill all the time, I really need to work on being more like that. By the end of the night Amy had pulled out a big piece of cardboard and she and Eric were attempting to breakdance on it. Too bad neither of them really know what they were doing, but they looked good doing it. Again, there was another awkward moment with Eric. I don't want to date him at all, but sometimes I find myself thinking that making out with him really wouldn't be all that bad.

During church yesterday I said something really mean to a good friend and instantly knew I shouldn't have said it. For some reason my big annoying pride got pricked and I didn't have the guts to admit I had been in the wrong and say I was sorry. I tried to talk to him after church, but he left right away. Then, I saw him again later that night and by then I just felt dumb about the whole thing. I should have just said I was sorry right away. Why can't I accept reproof?

As a sidenote: Mags, you will notice that there is no description of what I ate all weekend. Pretty impressive huh?!?!


  1. I'm so impressed with the wind surfing. It's sounds so cool. I'm a little surprised to look back and see that Seattle was so indoors. I suppose we were pretty busy with everything else going on. Skiing there was just plain crap, and I really had no one to go with who would make me go, so... We went camping a lot when we had the trailer and even some with just a tent. Camping at the beach just feels different somehow, though. I had a great time rock climbing and hiking and camping but my partner was less than enthusiastic so it got dropped in favor of other things such as football coaching and all.

  2. I'm so impressed with the wind surfing. It's sounds so cool. I'm a little surprised to look back and see that Seattle was so indoors. I suppose we were pretty busy with everything else going on. Skiing there was just plain crap, and I really had no one to go with who would make me go, so... We went camping a lot when we had the trailer and even some with just a tent. Camping at the beach just feels different somehow, though. I had a great time rock climbing and hiking and camping but my partner was less than enthusiastic so it got dropped in favor of other things such as football coaching and all.

  3. Anonymous10:55 PM

