Friday, August 20, 2004

You raise me up....

Last night Eric and I went to the Josh Groban concert together. I never would have gone to this show if it wasn't for him. He is a really big fan of the Grobster, so I got him tickets back in May for our 4 month anniversary (lame, I know, but you do lame things when you are in love). Anyway, we broke up a week after I bought the tickets. Honestly, I really hadn't been looking forward to the show, but I spent freakin $75 a ticket, so we were going.

I'm so glad we did.

The concert was amazing. I only knew one of the songs he sang, but they were all so beautiful and he sang with such emotion. Plus, he had a violinist that was just amazing. It made me want to go home and practice. That's what a good concert does to me...makes me want to be better.

He sang one song that was about the saddness of a loved one dying and how they're always with you after they're gone and I lost it. Most times I think I've pretty much dealt with the pain of my aunt dying three months ago, and then it will hit me out of nowhere. I was just sobbing there at the concert. Eric just let me cry, which is just what I needed. It's nice to have him for a friend becuase he really knows me.

After the show I made a comment about how that was the last thing we had together and it marked the complete end of our relationship. Then we said goodbye. And that, my friends, is what we call closure.

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