Thursday, September 23, 2004

Gettin the Digits

Last night my new friend Brittany and I went out for dinner.

Brittany is a beautiful girl,

And a sorority girl in the most popular house on campus,

And a CU cheerleader (or was up until this year).

Anyway, we went to dinner and had a great conversation.

After we'd paid for dinner, we were getting all our stuff together to leave, and our waiter stopped us.

For a moment I was afraid that we hadn't paid enough or something, but then he says to Britt,"I never do this, but you just have a really great smile." And hands her his number written on a coaster.

I was floored, and so was she.

It was right out of a movie. Who does that in real life? Who does that ever really happen to?

After dinner I went to institute. Just before class I noticed this kid that I've talked to maybe twice. He's new to Boulder, and seems kind of quiet, but really really nice. Anyway, emboldened by our experience at the restaurant, I just walked right up to him and asked him for his number. I figured that he might want to hang out and meet some new people some time. Anyway, when I asked him he was really pretty shocked. He asked me if I was actually going to use it, and I said of course I was. Then I asked him if that was okay (fearing that I may have been slightly forward or something). He said sure.

It was a really great class, and afterward the teacher (Bro. Peterson) asked me to come up and talk to him. I guess his wife knows a girl who needs a friend (not in a pathetic, "I'm a loser and no one likes me" way, but more in a "I'm new to the area and want to get to know people way"). Anyway, I was so flattered that he thought of me. He said that I was always really friendly and know how to make people feel cared for. That made me feel all good inside.

After class Sarah and I stood out in the drizzle in the parking lot and talked for a while. She is the best friend a girl could have and knows just how to make me feel better. She's the best.

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