Thursday, September 02, 2004

Rollin in it

So my manager just gave me a $75 reward for all my hard work on my last program. I thought that was pretty cool. I mean, not only did I get paid a pretty substantial salary to do the work, but because I did well I got a little present. Score!

Also, I got a part back that I designed for a different mechanism team. It was used for a bonding test and I asked if I could have it after the test was done and they said sure. I thought there was no way that anyone would remember that I asked for it, but they did so now I have a really cool little thing to put on my desk.

Last night I went to institute and afterward this guy asked if I would come to a party he's having on Saturday. He seems like a nice guy so I said sure. I'm not attracted to him at all, but I figure that I should really give everyone a chance because they might surprise me with their inner coolness. Plus, he has lots of friends down in Denver that are going to be at the party. It will be nice to be surrounded by a bunch of people I don't know. I can tell all of my good stand-by stories because no one will have heard them. Nice.

So after work today Kirsten (the mailman's sister) and I are going to go play tennis. Now, I am not really great at tennis and will probably end up lobbing it over the back fence most of the time, but it will be nice to get out and do something physical. After that I'm going to Sarah's to do laundry. I love laundry day at Sarah's because it feels like I'm living with a roommate that I really like. Not that I don't really like my roommates now, but one of them is just driving me nuts and it creates a bad vibe in the house. Luckily, she is moving out at the end of October. I just have to keep telling myself that it's almost over.

What do you think of this? A million years ago I bought a plane ticket for Eric so we could take a trip together. He broke up with me before we could go on the trip, so I just had this ticket sitting around. Instead of just flushing all that money down the toilet, I called the airline to see what I could do about it. Turns out that if I fax them a statement signed by Eric that says he releases the credit to me, along with a copy of his drivers license that I could use the credit for myself. Score. Anyway, I kind of forgot about it until recently when I realized that I'm flying up to Seattle next weekend and would love to get a $80 discount on the ticket. Anyway, yesterday I called Eric and asked him if there was 10 minutes somewhere in his day that he could lend me his license so I could get my money back. He didn't call me back all day. I was really torqued because if the situation was reversed I for sure could have stopped by his house at some time for that small of a favor. I mean, who is so busy that they can't do that for a friend? Especially a friend they used to be in love with? Then, this morning he called me and told me that if I wanted, I could come get his license from him sometime today and do it, but he has class from 9-12 then work from 12-2 then working out from 2-3:30. Am I overreacting to be annoyed at the fact that he is expecting me to work around his schedule? That he is unwilling to go out of his way the tiniest bit to help me out? Lame.

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