Thursday, September 16, 2004

Things that annoy me

I can't think of anything remotely interesting going on in my life to write about today, so I thought I'd compile this list. Maybe getting them written down will help, or just be funny.

1. No Styrofoam cups. Today I went to get my morning cup of hot chocolate and there were no cups to be found. This is particularly annoying because I have really been meaning to bring my own mug in, but keep forgetting. I think I didn't get a cup today because I went to get my drink of choice at 10. As someone who doesn't drink coffee, and therefore doesn't get their cup right when they get into work, I feel oppressed. Just because I can wait a couple hours does not mean that I should have to go without because there aren't any cups left. Life is unfair.

2. People who cook a nasty smelling lunch at work. Can't these people tell that their strange concoction in the microwave infects the air for all us poor fools subjected to the air circulation system on the same floor? Have they no shame?

3. People who leave time left on the microwave. Is it really that hard to push the cancel button after you prematurely removed your food? Honestly. Do you realize that I am really annoyed when I glance over at the clock to determine how long it is until the new Gilmore Girls episode comes on and all I see is :29 blinking back at me? Ugh!

4. Roommates that automatically move my clothes from the washer to the dryer. Alright, this is a SERIOUS problem. I am tall and most of my clothes can't be dried. Also, I am one of those people who read the label in every shirt and follow the instructions. If it says "wash cold lay flat to dry" my clothes are cold and damp on the floor of my bedroom. Just because all they wear are Cotton/poly blend, oversived T-shirts that can basically be washed in any temp, with anything else, and dried in a furnace does not mean that everyone does.

5. People who talk to me while I'm reading. Hello? Can't they see I'm busy and don't want to be disturbed? I never thought that someone would actually think it is okay to run in and jump on my bed and strike up a conversation while I am obviously engrossed in a book, but it happened with my current roommate. Dumb as a brick, that one.

6. Changing the channel on the TV when I get up to go to the bathroom. Duh, like I'm not going to notice what you just did?!?!

7. Dropping in at a friend house because I figure they probably don't have anything to do either and being shocked to find all my friends there, hanging out, without me. They don't even think to call me if I'm not there. Tres annoying.

8. Making plans with someone and instead of them calling to tell you they can't make it, they just let it slide by without admitting that they bailed on you. This makes me feel like I wasn't important enough to make the effort to call and cancel on.

I'm sure there are more, but I'm off to lunch.

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