Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Big news

Yesterday I went home from work at about noon because my knee hurt so much. I spent the whole day laying on the couch with a bag of frozen corn on my knee watching TV and movies. It was really boring and the highlights consisted of Sarah being the great friend she is and bringing me dinner, and Kirsten coming over to look it over and give me her advice. (since she's practically a practicing physical therapist)

My friends Amy and Brett decided to get engaged on Monday....and they're getting married Nov. 12. Yeah, pretty fast, but it works for them. They've known each other forever and since Amy's parents are here for the month from Saudi Arabia, they decided to just do it ASAP. On one hand I think it is just crazy and insane to do, on the other hand I really admire their can do attitude. If you know its right, and there is nothing holding you back, why wait?

So the ear doctor called me again last night. He's such a nice guy, but I just really am not all that interested in him. We chatted for a while and he asked me out again. The only thing is that I have plans for the next 3 weekends. We decided that we'd hang out next Thursday. This will be good because there will be a lot of down time and momentum can kind of stall out.

Also, this other kid from the ward keeps calling me. He's weird. He suggested that we have a mancala tournament for FHE. To that suggestion I just raised my eyebrows, smiled and said I'd look into it.

This is a really weird situation for me. There are like 4 guys who are calling me, asking me out, being interested and I'm not really interested in any of them. That's never really happened to me before.

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