Thursday, October 14, 2004

In need of a recharge

Today I took a long lunch and drove around town. It is so pretty here today. While I was out on my drive I heard on the radio that Loveland is opening tomorrow. They are always the first Colorado ski resort to open. They have 3 runs and 1 chair running.

I'm torn.

I'd love to go up and enjoy the very first skiing of the season, but I know its going to be crappy. Do I drive 1.5 hours up to the mountains just to hit rocks and see dirt patches the whole way down?

I think I'd rather wait for a day that will be really great to inaugurate this season.

Funny thing with me and skiing. All summer I hem and haw about getting a season pass. I think in my mind, "will I really use it enough to make it worth my money" and "they are so far away its really a pain to drive all the way up there" and "what if no one wants to go to the places I want to go, am I really willing to spend all that money to do it if I have to go alone?"

Then a day like today hits.

It is clear, sunny, crisp and beautiful and all I wish I was doing is riding up a lift in preparation for a day that the mountain will kick my butt and make me sore and tired the next day.

I loose all control. Suddenly money is not an object, only a means for me to get up there and go whizzing down a beautiful wide groomed run.

Today I bought 3 Copper mountain 4passes (one is for my aunt and cousin who have promised to come ski with me this season).

I think I'll swing by Boulder Ski Deals and buy a new pair of boots after work.

Maybe a new coat?

I've got a problem

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