Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Tales of the Yoga Ball

It was 4 pm and I was sitting impatiently at my desk. As the blue tick marks inched across the monitor I could feel myself physically willing the update of my program to go faster. Didn't it know that I wanted to leave ? After 3 minutes of what seemed to be a stalled out process the room began to darken and all I could focus on was the next little blue tick marks and the deafening constancy of the air vent located directly above my head.

Finally, after what seemed to be ages, the program terminated and released me from my indentured servitude. I grabbed my purse, phone and jacket and flew down the 5 flights of tightly spirally stairs and out the door. I raced through the parking lot and threw my belongings into the car.

Ah, sweet release.

I didn't matter to me what filled the next 16 hours as long as it had nothing to do with a computer or space technology.

As I opened the door to my little house I was overwhelmed by a peaceful sense of isolationism. I was the only one home and no one was due to arrive for hours. I roamed around, left trash from the mail wherever I wanted to and kicking my shoes into the exact center of the room.

I had 3 hours to be by myself and just unwind before FHE was slated to begin.

For FHE I decided that we'd play volleyball, but not just regular volleyball because that requires skill. In an attempt to level the playing field, we would use a yoga ball.

As I stepped up to the serving line all my middle school memories flooded over me. Fear that I wouldn't get it over the net, and even worse, fear that it wouldn't even come close. I whacked the crap out of the big blue mass and sent it sailing. Instant validation that, no, I am not a backward unathletic loser, and yes, I freakin rock at this game.

Aside from the kid who got a sprained ankle, there were relatively few injuries, and no blood whatsoever. I still managed to get smacked in the shoulder and will probably produce a pretty impressive bruise, but all in all, a pretty great FHE.

Even Sarah and Colin came, which made my day.

After FHE I stayed in the parking lot and talked to the ear doctor for quite a while. He is so funny, and really nice, but I am still not really interested in him. This is the trick of dating. You want to spend more time with someone to get to know them. Then, they think you are really interested. Then, after you've spent enough time to really know them you really know that you aren't interested. Then, you have to back out and someone gets hurt. Its usually me.

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