Monday, November 01, 2004

A change in the wind

Yesterday Boulder hosted the annual munchkin parade. They let kids come and trick-or-treat on Pearl street from store to store. My friends and I didn't have anything better to do with a sunday afternoon, so we all bundled up and went over there to check it out.

They were so cute.

Little kids too small to walk were dressed up as ladybugs and unicorns. One was a little monkey with a big yellow banana attached to it.

Anyway, 7 of us went and just hung out, watched the kids go by and laughed. It was:

  • Amy and Brett (engaged and getting married in two weeks)
  • Jocelyn and Kristian (they've been dating for almost 2 years now)
  • Sarah and Colin (dating over a year)
  • Me and the ear doctor (??? on status)
  • Greg

I didn't really notice the whole couples/paring off thing until Greg said, "Jeez, I've gotta get a girl or go home, I guess."

I've been the odd man out for so long that Greg's comment really shocked me.

This weekend was pretty eventful , I guess.

Friday night I gave my keys to my friend because I didn't have pockets or a purse in my costume. She left the party with my keys, so I had to call upon the chivalry of the ear doctor to get a ride home. Needless to say, I wasn't really all that mad about the situation. The ear doctor dropped me off and ended up hanging out with me until 6:30 am...Just talking. Pretty impressive, I think. That's the latest anyone has EVER kept me awake by just talking.

Anyway, Saturday was Amy's bridal shower at 10:30. Like a moron, I hadn't planned ahead and had to hit the mall at 10 to get a gift. I made a bee line for Victoria's Secret. Sarah called me while in the store and admitted that she, like myself, hadn't thought to get a present. I offered to go halves and put her name on the card. I picked out a very delightfully tacky black g-string with 4 inch long fringe all the way around. I slammed everything into the box (thank heavens for VS gift boxes) and floored it to the restaurant.

The food was killer, and Sarah and I were getting excited to see Amy's face when she opened our gift.

Then, the fury of gift wrap began.

The first gift was a nice set of dish towels and a glass pitcher from Crate & Barrel. The next gift was a serving bowl from Pottery Barn. More and more boring domestic gifts were being unwrapped and stacked in a nice little conservative pile. Sarah and I started glancing back and forth fully realizing that this shower was not the "g-string and frindge" type.

When Amy opened our gift everyone was shocked. There was a pause before everyone erupted into raucous laughter. I guess every shower needs some immature singletons to spice it up.

Last night I hung out with the ear doctor again. We cuddled and held hands and talked about what was going on. I'd been nervous about his feelings and I'm not really willing to start something up that will just get me all messed up and heartbroken again. I told him that I was a little nervous about everything. I got to worrying that everything was just too easy and I was concerned that maybe he was just going along with things because it was nice to be liked. I was nervous that maybe he liked having a girl be interested in him, but not necessarily me. Maybe this is a tinge of insecurity, but whatever. He said that yes, the beginnings of this whatever it is has been easy for him, but that is what is so great about it. That made me all happy and flattered and just confident in the knowledge that he isn't feigning interest or just idly passing the time with me.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Heehee! I'm sure your girlfriend loved it... and at least she will always remember that one gift from her bridal shower (and who gave it to her!)

    That's awesome about you and the ear doctor. The night I met my husband, we sat talking on my best friend's porch until the sun started coming up. That was a first for me- and I ended up marrying him! (I'm not pressuring you, just sharing) :) Have fun!

  2. I appreciate your perma-link to my blog. But you like it because I like girls with glasses?

  3. No, I just thought that would be funny to write. I like your blog becuase of the way your write. It's short, funny and easy to read.

  4. Awww shucks.

    Now I feel like a jerk (even though I was kidding)(not about the glasses, I do likes the girls in glasses).

    But thank you for the post to my blog. If I could figure out how to do that on my site I would return the favor.

  5. Yeah, I was really stoked when I figured out how to write a link in HTML. It reminded me of the programming class I took in college and was horrible at.
