Monday, December 06, 2004

A big thankyou

Saturday was the first ski trip of the season. It was GLORIOUS, but man am I out of shape. The second run we took from the very top of the mountain to the bottom and my legs were on fire. The weather was great and the snow really wasn't that bad. We got free lunch and the only complaint I have with the whole day is the runs got really crowded in the afternoon. They didn't have even half of the mountain opened up yet. Toward the end it was pretty much like skiing around moving hazards.

Saturday night the ear doctor and I went downtown Denver to the city light parade. It was awesome, both the intentional entertainment and the unintentional. We ended up finding a pretty good spot to stand and watch it, but we were at the corner of the street. People were about 5 deep on either side just standing and waiting for the parade to start. People who didn't want to watch the parade were still trying to cross the street through the sea of people. Anyway, for some reason the parade watchers wouldn't move over to let people walk by. Tension kept growing and growing until one woman tried to cross and this 11 year old girl told her (I'm sure not very politely) that she needed to cross somewhere else. Something happened, and the little girl ended up getting hit pretty hard in the face. The little girl's mom went ballistic, ripped off her denim and fringe Wal-Mart coat and went Jerry Springer on the lady. It was really scary because there were tons of kids everywhere getting trampled and everyone was saying the f-word. After the parade ended the police came. The ear doctor and I split because there were more than enough witnesses to say what happened.

We went to Wolfgang Puck for dinner. I thought it was alright, but overpriced.

Sunday I had to get up early to go to a meeting and church and on my way there I got a blowout. I had to change the tire in my Sunday outfit and got all snowy and dirty. A very nice man came and helped me (even though I had everything under control). He was really such a nice person so I just wanted to send my gratitude out to him via the internet. Wherever you are, nice Baptist man who changed a frazzled. Mormon, red headed girl's tire on Sunday morning on the side of highway 36 in Boulder, thanks so much for your help!


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Peace on earth and good will toward men at the downtown scene!

  2. What is going on when people won't let others through the parade crowd? What is going on with the attack on an 11 year old? I must move to another planet...these people are just too strange!
    Glad you had fun skiing and dining. I've always had the same impression about Wolfgang Puck. Other places with great food are available and some of them cost way less
