Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Having a hard time spending money

Last night I discovered something interesting. I have a really time spending money if I HAVE to do it. If someone hands me a big stack of money and says "go spend this, spend it all and don't save any at all" I really struggle. I always thought I could blow through money with reckless abandon, but when someone makes it a "task" all the thrill is gone.

Last night we went and bought gifts and food for a less fortunate family. We'd raised $600 for a sub-for-Santa activity. We divided up the money and each went out to get gifts for people we didn't know. Sarah and I ended up getting to shop for Christmas dinner food and gifts for "the mom."

We were really giddy and excited to buy gifts for the mom. We decided we wouldn't get her anything practical or that she would buy for herself. Also we didn't want stuff that the family would just take over. You know how it is, if mom gets a gift somehow it just becomes family property.

We ended up getting her a foot spa, a new fleece blanket, a Christmas candle and a new book. All stuff my mom would love to get.

When we met back up with everybody I was floored with how far they had made that $600 stretch! It looked like Santa had come in and just dropped his entire sack. Next week we're going to deliver the gifts. I'm stoked about it.


  1. I had a similar experience, except I only got to hand out the gifts purchased for those less fortunate.
    there were so many gifts for ONE place it took 7 of us staggering in with about all we could carry to make it in one trip (and i'm not talking one package per person - i had like 3 bags and a box)

    it makes you feel good.

  2. I had a similar experience, except I only got to hand out the gifts purchased for those less fortunate.
    there were so many gifts for ONE place it took 7 of us staggering in with about all we could carry to make it in one trip (and i'm not talking one package per person - i had like 3 bags and a box)

    it makes you feel good.
