Thursday, December 09, 2004

Maybe it's much too early in the game

But I thought I'd ask you just the same
What are you doin' New Years
New Years Eve

Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight
When it's exactly 12 o'clock that night
What are you doin' New Years
New Years Eve

Maybe I'm crazy to suppose
I'd ever be the one you chose
Out of a million invitations you receive

But just in case I stand one little chance
Here comes the jackpot question in advance
What are you doin' New Years
New Years Eve

Yep, that was the song that was playing as I opened my first Christmas gift of the season.

Last night as I rounded the corner into my complex I glanced into my living room window and was warmed from the inside out by the sight of my Christmas tree lights gently twinkling in the window. I was really happy because that meant that my roommate, Amy, the coolest girl ever, was home and had turned on the lights, probably just especially for me. I started to think of all k inds of nice things about how much I like her and how much I'll miss her when she gets married in a month. I entered my house from the garage and was presented with one of the most beautiful scenes. All the lights in the house were off except for the dainty white glow of the Christmas tree. My house seemed cleaned of all it's ever present clutter and there was a beautiful red Christmas Stocking topped with a huge green sparkly bow.

With childlike giddyness I sat at the bottom of my tree and opened my present. Next to the stocking there was a one page note with instructions. It said: Open the present marked "FIRST" first and the one marked "LAST" last. Use each gift as it is opened. Then, the ear doctor signed it.

The one marked first was a CD. I put in in the player. I was immediately engulfed by the warm, sonorous tones of Mr. Harry Connik Jr. Singing one of my favorite songs. I returned to my stocking. The next present was a noisemaker, then champagne glasses, then a bottle of Martinellis (champagne substitute for us alcohol-impaired folks), then a sign that said "Happy New Years," confetti poppers followed along with a whistle and silly string. In each wrapped gift there was about a pound of loose confetti, so every time I opened one, colorful bits of Mylar exploded everywhere. There was gold tinsel and everything was perfect.

When I got to the bottom of the stocking, the gift marked "LAST" was wedged tight. Inside the festive wrapping, there was a plane ticket to join him in San Francisco for New Years!

He came into my house just as I realized what it was. We put the CD on repeat and danced together in the glow of my Christmas tree. It was wonderfully romantic...Like a movie.


  1. What a wonderfully romantic situation! A great way to start the holidays! I guess the present isn't going to go to Dan now. You deserve a guy that'll put forth effort like this. I love you too much! I can't wait to see you.

  2. I like to pretend that I'm not much of a romantic sap, but it's totally a lie. That was the cutest story I have ever heard. I think what tops it off is that it's real life, I didn't know things like that could happen in real life! You're a lucky girl, or should I say... He's a lucky guy.

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM


    I am totally leaving your blog, and this post up on my computer for my husband to see, and hopefully read, when he gets home tomorrow.

    Katie, I've dated lots of boys and gotten lots of presents from them (no, I'm not a total hoochie or anything, just loved to date since I was 14). But I can honestly say that your night last night involved one of the sweetest, most thoughtful gifts from a guy I've ever heard of. Gave me goosebumps to read. Dare I say that, perhaps, this one is the keeper? Not rushing, but that was a lovely, meaningful evening. :)

