Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Why today sucks already

1. I woke up too early. Before it was even light out.
2. In my early morning dazed condition I stepped on the candycane I swiped from a Christmas party last night and broke it...Again.
3. My shower water was blistering hot and then icy.
4. I ran out of shampoo.
5. I went to the Nissan dealership and found out that the molding that got ripped off my car as a result of my blowout is going to cost $150. $150 I don't really have.
6. I went to the tire place to try to get new tires. I realized I don't have enough money to replace the blown out, as well as the 3 other fairly bald tires. I decided to just replace the blow out with a used tire until next month when I feel like I can replace them all.
7. I told my dad this idea and he yelled at me, made me feel dumb, and made me let him talk to the tire store guy (implying I am some kind of retard who can't take care of her own things)
8. I had to tell the ear doctor that I might not be able to go to dinner with him as planned tonight due to the fact that my dad said I HAD to get a full set of new tires on today and the only time the shop could do it is at 4 this afternoon.
9. The ear doctor's response to that news crushed my heart and made me feel like an awful girlfriend (even though he is one of the major people telling me to get my tires fixed).
10. I came into work late.
11. When I got in my co-worker pointed out that my model sucks and has tons of errors in it.
12. When I got in my technical lead treated me like a retard.
13. I burned my tongue on my hot chocolate.


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    aww, sweetie, I hope your day gets better. Look on the bright side, at least you remembered to wear clean underwear today. At least, I hope you did. :)

  2. The only thing that could make the day any worse is if you got to work and found out that your mascara had run down your face! I hope your day tomorrow goes better! I can't wait to see you!

  3. poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie, poor Katie
    I love you,

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    One Question:

    Did delineating the misery of your life ultimately serve to make you realize your life really isn't so bad?


  5. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Actually, yes. It did just that. Impressive, huh.
