Thursday, February 10, 2005

Go Longhorns!

I just got off the phone with a professor from UT Austin and the convo was GREAT! He was funny and nice, which is rare in engineering. He has research that, while doesn't sound riveting at first, might actually be pretty cool. He also said I wouldn't have to be a TA, he'd give me an $8K fellowship plus a $1.5K assistantship per semester which means I wouldn't have to sell my car. Also he said Austin only has 60 cloudy days a year. Plus, they have a great football team, so games would be AWESOME. Plus I arranged it so that I can be down there on a visit and go to my friend's wedding. All in all I am a really big fan of UT right now.


Alice said...

I have a brother that got his MBA at UT. The city is great and he loved his ward, but he was in a married ward so I can't tell you about the singles... regardless, the night life is great and the city is beautiful! Congrats on not loosing the car.

poodle said...

that's a nice offer! way to go...

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Congrats on the great offer. I think there are a couple of Texans on my sidebar (Life as I know it and Kimberly) if you want to check them out.

M.A. said...

UT is an excellent school and Austin is a great town- though it is occasionally outlandishly hot.

They do have a good football team but I think great might be a bit of a stretch- I suppose they will beat Oklahoma eventually. There is a lot of excitement about the games- and if you get the chance while you are there go up to Dallas for the Texas-Oklahoma game. ESPN rated it as one of the best college sports events in the country.

Mrs. Architect said...

I love texas. I have been to Austin once for a conference so I didnt see much of the city but it is supposed to be #1 in Texas. Last I heard it was the #1 city in the US to live while single. Dallas was #10. It is a very fun place and Southern football is great (SEC is still #1 though), and UT I think is the largest university in the US as well. All in all i think you will like it because it seems to be very well rounded, as in lots to do indoors and outdoors and lots of different kinds of people there.