Friday, February 25, 2005

So Excited!

Next Thursday my work is paying for me to go down to Denver and volunteer at the third-annual Girls Exploring Science, Engineering, & Technology event.

I am REALLY stoked about this.

There will be about 800 7th and 8th grade girls all there to hear about different options for working in the science and technology fields.

I feel like the main reason there are so few girls in engineering is because a lot of them aren't exposed to it at all until they are in college. By then they think it is "too hard" for them to do.

It really isn't! And I love sharing that with younger generations.


  1. i'm so jealous! that sounds so cool. have fun.

  2. You will do such a great job. Show them what an awesome person like you can do!

  3. That sounds very cool! I came from a technical background and there were very few women in my classes despite the fact that those that had overcome the discouragement that women in the field face and who chose the technical route, were quite good.

  4. And it is a real shame that people (like the president of Harvard!) keep reinforcing that idea that sceince is just "too hard" for girls/women. Sounds like it will be a fun trip.

  5. Great! My organization has an outreach program to reach out to youth and encorage them to pursue engineering education and careers (much of it being developed by students and faculty at CU, in fact). We participated in an event like this in Colorado a few years ago, but it may have been a different group. It was a great success, and is a worthy cause!
