Monday, February 21, 2005

Stupid F-ing Rejection

My overconfident self image was just deflated.

Completely crushed. Flat. Annihilated. Decimated. Pulverized into a million little flecks of gray and jagged dust.

I just got a letter from the Dean of Admissions at Princeton and they don't want me.

They sent me a really nice, if a bit formulatic, mass email to inform me that somehow I haven't managed to stack up to their standards. They couldn't even send me a real letter to let me know that I'm not smart enough for them. They couldn't even send me a real email address to respond to to find out exactly what area I was lacking in. Ugh.

Good thing I didn't want to go there anyway.

They only have one building for their whole college of engineering, each wing being for the different departments.

Why would I want to go to their sub-par tiny little pretentious university anyway.

They suck.


  1. about 30 mins outside austin there is a town called San Marcos that is known for their great outlet

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Stupid Princeton. I wouldn't want to go there either. One building? huh?!?!

  3. Princeton sucks! You don't want to go to that preppy nasty place anyway.
