Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Why doesn't anyone read anymore?

I was sitting with a group of co-workers and someone mentioned the book he was reading. I was instantly really into the conversation. Discussing books is probably in the top three of most interesting topics to me. I love to know what books really influenced people. I think you can tell a lot about someone from the books they choose to keep on their shelves.

I started asking the group in general if they'd read this book or if they'd read that book. They all just gave me blank stares and actually made me feel a little uncomfortable. Their reactions to me made it seem they felt me to be condescending and uppity. That wasn't my intention at all, but it made me wonder, doesn't anyone read anymore?

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." -Mark Twain


  1. I would rather read than watch tv! Nerd alert!!

  2. they're engineers. enough said.

  3. Engineers still read; they just read manuals and textbooks instead of novels.

  4. I used to read, then I got a TIVO. I tried to go back to reading but TIVO had taken all my books.
