Thursday, April 07, 2005

I don't know how I did it...

but everyone at work has started to think that I run the show around here. Seriously, at least once a day someone makes a comment about how I have our entire program wrapped around my little finger.

I think it is the combination of knowing what I'm talking about, helping people out when the are in a jam, being a girl, and being shockingly sassy that wins people over.

For example: Today my boss's boss came in and fixed my heating vents because I was complaining about my office being too hot. Then, he said that I should have a promotion and helped me understand how to go about getting one.

Maybe I just have it really perfect here at my job or something. Whatever the case, things are just all coming together for me really well.


  1. wow, way to go! before you know it, you'll be running the whole company!

  2. Great day Hunh? Keep this entry handy for those other kinds of days.

  3. Good for you! That's AWESOME!!
