Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A Fresh Idea

Last night I went to the Fillmore and saw The Shins show. It was incredible. I didn't really know any of their music, but by the end of the night I was a total fan.
The Fillmore in Denver is a great place to see a high energy show. It's basically a stage at one end of a roller-skating rink. There are crystal gothic looking chandeliers that glow purple. Almost everyone in the venue stands on flat ground and looks up at the stage. Consequently, you end up standing right behind the one 6'5" crazy kid with a fully picked out afro.

As I was standing at the show moving from left to right to get a view of the bass player and then the lead singer I was struck with an inspiring revelation.

There should be one area, right in front of the band that has a recessed floor. Only the true and hardcore fans are allowed to be down there. The people who've seen the band a million times, listen to their music on repeat and just love it. Perhaps to gain entry you have to show a photo of your pet that you named after a member in the band. Either that or answer an insanely hard question about the band's origins.

After that, the rest of the floor is separated into height zones. Anyone under 5 feet section is first, followed by 5'0" to 5'5", then 5'5" to 6', then over 6'.

This way everyone can have a good view of the show.

Plus it will reduce the amount of hot tall guys picking up on midgety girls. That annoys me. Let the tall people stick together and the short people stick together. ;)


  1. You crack me up. I've seen the Shins live at the Fillmore (but the San Francisco Fillmore). I always ask the tall people in front of me if they mind trading places. Nobody has ever said no. I am 5'2" and in heels I am 5'3" to 5'5" - still never tall enough to see the band. I love to WATCH the performance so I always ask people to trade me places until I can see. Try it out (at least until they institute your height rule).

  2. I skipped out on the shins show here, but maybe I should have gone.

    I was at a decent venue monday night- but it was anoying that even as a tall person I couldn't see all that well. The girl with me had little chance at all.

    I think that I am getting to be too much of an old man. I don't really like general admission shows all that much. Most of the time I'd rather pay a bit more money to sit in a seat and see the show I paid for.

    But this place last night wouldn't have been bad if the stage were just two or three feet higher.

    One of the venues in dallas is general admission but there are teirs. sort of like the pit by the stage idea, except that the levels go higher again about4 levels back. It was kind of cool- but got really crowded down at the front.

  3. It's not really a fresh idea, I think it's just hard to implement in a big venue. You should go to a show at (in order of decreasing awesomeness) the Ogden, the Bluebird, or even the Fox in Boulder. They're pretty ideal as far as venues go, but not as big as the Fillmore.
    And the Shins rule. Did you like the Brunettes?

  4. Well, I guess making fans prove themselves to get into certain areas is a new and fresh idea. I just mean that there are venues with better floor layouts.

  5. I've been to the Fox, and it is awesome. It would be really cool to see the Shins at the Fox, but since they SOLD OUT the Fillmore, there is no way they could play somewhere as small as the Fox. Where is the Bluebird?

    Yes, I REALLY liked the Brunettes. I thought their music was fun and happy.

  6. "Plus it will reduce the amount of hot tall guys picking up on midgety girls."

    When you're huge, everyone's midgety.

    It helps to find a platform on which a girl can stand (while you dance on the club floor itself), and otherwise be comfortable with the idea that you'd rather go after a shorter girl than be with one who could outrebound you in basketball. See, 'cause I find that emasculating, and prefer to sacrifice my integrity in more romantic, metaphysical ways.

  7. The Bluebird and the Ogden are both in Denver on Colfax, just a few blocks from each other (the Ogdgen is on Colfax and Ogden and the Bluebird is a little ways east of there), and they're approximately the same size as the Fox.

  8. Love the Fillmore! Just saw Keane there last weekend - normally I squeeze my way to the front row (and ask a tall guy to trade with me, of course), but this time I hung back behind the railing. It was great because there was easy bathroom access!

    Anyhow, just dropped into your blog randomly and read cause you're in Boulder. =)

