Friday, May 13, 2005

Silly, lied to fool

That's me.

I've been deceived.

I thought I understood my world, the people and things in it, but I was SO wrong.

What a naive little dope.

I thought the guy I was dating was classy, cultured, refined and intelligent.

He is all of those things, but he is also a CLOSET GAMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Classes ended for him last week. To fill his time he has turned the number one pastime of adolescent males. He has spent multiple hours staring at his laptop screen playing a video game. He is addicted. He can't put it down. His life has begun to revolve around 4 things: eating, sleeping, being wonderful to me, and GAMING!

I don't know what to do.

My world is turned upside down.



  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    It's not like he's cheating on you. He's just playing a game. If it was strip porn poker, you might have a point. As long as he is being nice, let him play. ~ Jef

  2. This post was meant in jest. The ear doctor is about the most independant person I know and will pretty much do whatever he wants. ;)

  3. You FREAKED ME OUT!! My heart dropped to my stomach for a minute!

    I can't help you on this one though because I am one too! I LOVE LOVE LOVE nintendo! Mario, Zelda, Sonic, ADDICTED!!! (Only Nintendo though)

  4. Oh! What a dirty little secret! The horror!

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Oh you girls. Acting so surprised.

    Every guy is a gamer inside.

    Unless they played with cars as a boy..

    Then they are red neck, nascar fans.

  6. katie, i'm trying to get a hol dof your sister. could you e-mail me her cell #. thanks.

  7. Anonymous7:41 AM

    What game does he play? I'm not a gamer at all. However, I become completely addicted to the computer game Civilization and become lost for hours at a time.

  8. GFF-Civilization is his game of choice.

  9. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I like the new background.

    As for gaming... I got old enough to start climbing and biking, and haven't played a video game for more than 20 minutes since.

    If you want your man back, get him a bike!!!

  10. I laughed at Chris' comment because I was thinking that my fiance doesn't play games. He likes cars. Yes, his nickname at school is "Cowboy Dan"

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  12. Katie, my co-worker, told me today that her fiance struggles with the same addiction!

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