Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Freaking out

Yesterday I started to freak out.

Holy cow! I'm moving up into Boulder this weekend and I start grad school in 3 weeks. I don't know where to go or who to talk to. I don't even know where my first class is or who my advisor will be or where the best place to have lunch on campus is.

I haven't picked my "first day of school" outfit yet.

I don't know where to go for my mandatory TA training.

I don't even know what class I'll be TA-ing.

What if it is something I've entirely forgot in the past two years?

How am I going to keep up with everyone else who hasn't taken a break from school?



  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Do what most TA's do. Assign a paper on what the student thinks the course will be about. That should buy you a good week.

    Be sure to complain a lot. That's what my TA's did.


  2. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Don't worry... you know a good tourguide who goes to school there. And when he's not around, I'll try to help.

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    you're TAing your first semester? crazy!!

    You'll be great. New first day of school outfit or not, you'll kick serious grad school butt.

  4. Just be sure to take a picture in your First Day of School outfit! :-)
