Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Only in Utah

So Colin's sister found this article.

If you're one of those people who are too lazy to click links and see what the story is, I'll give you the low down.

Apparently this poor sucker is 31, living in Provo, UT and unmarried. His co-workers got together and decided they needed to take action. They've decided to pimp him out on a huge billboard to the side of the freeway. It's true! Check out the site:

Be sure to click on the video to see his reaction to seeing the big billboard with his face grinning back.

Ahhhh, where else would a group of people get together and decide that not being married by the ripe old age of 31 necessitates public advertisement?

Only in Utah.


  1. We found that article a couple days ago. It's pretty funny. You gotta feel bad for the poor guy. You're right though, only in Utah.

  2. Wow! I can't speak for Utah, but I'm glad that being single at 31 is acceptable in Seattle.

    Looking at the website, it looks a lot like a publicity stunt for his company. Hmmm...

  3. Oh that's sad. I love that there was a ? next to sense of humor! Some people need to get out more.

  4. I know! The guy is probably really nice and his buddies are just making a joke with him. He's got to have a pretty decent sense of humor to put up with that.

  5. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Sorry Ear Doctor, but I signed up Katie to go on a date with Lance!


  6. I think I know that guy.

  7. This is the 2nd blog I've seen about that Lance thing. Hmm, maybe I should see if his friends could do some work for me in Southern CA? :)

  8. *smile* He is getting tons of mail according to the news report I saw, AND he is actually having one of his friends that set it up, screen them, and then he sorts through them.

    I thought that was SO odd. I wouldn't have entertained it, at all I don't think !
