Tuesday, July 12, 2005

You know you really should work out more when...

you're still sore on Tuesday from what you did to yourself the Saturday before.

Last weekend my roommate threw a big BBQ. I was a little leary because it didn't really seem like she had anything planned, but I had a brilliant idea.

The ear doctor and I went to Wal-Mart and bought huge plastic drop cloths, staked them to the grassy hill in the little park next to my house, turned on two hoses, added a little Dawn dish soap and Viola! Instant giant slip 'n slide!

It was awesome. Most of the guys and a few girls (me included of course) started going down the slide in our clothes. Despite the fact that my pants pretty much slid right off showing everyone my cute purple Victoria's Secret underwear, everyone had a blast.

The party turned into 10 people sliding and about 10 people watching. The ear doctor and I had an evil plot. We had buckets of water and huge sponges waiting in the bushes. At the right moment we brought them out and soaked all the dry people. It was AWESOME!

I haven't had a waterfight that fun since last summer!


  1. Hey girl, you always know how to have fun. On another note, I have heard from many people (friends and family) who mentioned to me that they had talked to you abt the ear dr. Hope that it wasn't too much! You always handle such things with grace, but some folks are pretty nosy.

  2. Remember that party ages ago with the slip n slide, and Fatty was there with his skinny friend, but we both thought the rich friend was hot? And so we both flirted with him at the same time. Ha ha

  3. Yeah anth, I totally remember that party. I even told the ear doctor about it.

  4. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "Despite the fact," or "because of the fact"?

  5. Ha Ha anon...very funny

  6. Despite (di spit') prep., n., v., 1. in spite of; notwithstanding. 2. contemptuos treatment; insult. 3. malice, hatred or spite. 4. in despite of, in spite of; notwithstanding......

  7. we made a slippy slide last summer like that, except we waited until it rained instead of using a hose. those are SO MUCH FUN!! i'm jealous.

  8. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Oh my gosh, that sounds like SO much fun! I totally want to come to your next party, pretty please. I'll even coordinate my underwear to compliment yours. Like, cute pink & cute purple, side by side, sliding down the slip n slide!! yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
