Wednesday, August 24, 2005

So not one person in any of my classes yesterday was friendly. I don't know what the deal was. I sat there surrounded by people who are going through the exact same experience as I was and no one every cracked a smile in my direction. I just sat there thinking, "what is with you people?"

I even went so far as to try to strike up a conversation with one of the classmates next to me, but he pretty much just gave me a one word response and turned around to fish some strange writing device out of his bag.

It was really disheartening.

On the other hand, my fabulous new roommate made her famous meat sauce and pasta and the boys from next door came over. We had a great dinner filled with laughs and stories. After that, the ear doctor and I went swing dancing down in Denver, and I actually didn't feel like I was doing all that badly.

Tonight we're going to the Jack Johnson concert.

The one at red rocks that sold out in about 20 minutes.

I'm really EXCITED!


  1. Remember, people with personailty and social skills are the MINORITY in engineering and almost non-existent when you get into graduate programs.

    Sounds like a fun night! I LOVE swing dancing!! I'm so glad your roomie is working out so great right now.

  2. I second the comment that engineers aren't usually known for their social skills. Maybe they are all just nervous? I'm sure once you spend more time with them, you'll start to make some friends. On the bright side, at least you already have friends in the area, it would stink if you were new to town.

    Have fun at Jack Johnson! I love him!
