Monday, August 08, 2005

White Trash Weekend

Friday night the ear doctor and I went to the local county fair. I love fairs...the food, the animals, the 4H projects, and especially the people. Now, the county fairs are different than the big state fairs. When I was little we would always "Do the Puyallup" (Washington State Fair). This fair was huge and drew its crowd from all sorts of socio-economic rungs in the ladder of life. A county fair, on the other hand, is straight up red neck. Things I ate at the fair:

  • Pulled Pork sandwich just dripping with BBQ sauce.
  • Mammoth sized pitcher of the most watered-down strawberry lemonade ever consumed.
  • Large brick 'o curly fries that left a lake of oil on the paper plate.
  • Completely flat diet coke.
  • Powdered sugar coated funnel cake.

After wandering around and eating enough to fill Noah's entire Ark, we ambled over to the arena for the TRACTOR PULL!

Yes, I've now experienced that ultimate in white trash events. Actually, in all fairness it wasn't nearly as white trash as the WWF wrestling match I went to in high school, but it came very close.

The ear doctor made friends with an older gentleman that was sitting in front of us. Turns out he has been following tractor pulls all his life and had been personally following the career of one truck called "the Junk Yard Dog."

I've never actually been to an event where a fight broke out over whether Ford of Chevy was better.

It was bizarre.


  1. Apparently I will only own a Ford or a Jeep for the rest of my life.

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    you are too funny, and so like myself. All that delicious junk food, and wash it down with a diet coke. Totally worth the calorie saving! I do the same thing. :)

    The fair sounds... interesting, at least :)

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Woah... I just so had a flashback to high school. Not about the county/state fair... but rather because of the word Puyallup. I remember going to speech/debate tournaments at Puyallup high school... and how we had to teach everyone how to pronounce the word. :)

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Every year for 15 years I have been going to The State Fair of Texas on my birthday. No monster trucks but lots of trash of all ethnicities. It's the one day I allow myself to eat nothing but junk all day long and relish in the autumn sun. I'm glad it only happens once a year.


  5. It took me forever to learn to say Puyallup correct! I eventually learn by humming the "Do the Puyallup" song. Still have not been though. Maybe this year?
