Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sweet Revenge

It's official. I have evened the score with mi enamigo.

After class I glanced over at him as he was packing his bag and saw (much to my chagrin) the blue pen, splintered, broken and defiled. Fury built up in my soul and I just couldn't take it. As we filed out of the room I slid into line behind him and noticed that HIS TAG WAS POKING OUT THE BACK OF HIS SHIRT.

Normally I do the right thing, and tell the person whose tag is out about their fashion malady. But not today. Today I broke the socially acceptable course of action and let him keep walking on.

Take that mi enamigo! I bet he walked around campus all day looking like a FOOL!

(insert crazy maniacal laugh here)


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  3. Sweet. I hope people pointed and laughed at him!

  4. You are just a cruel cruel woman!

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I'm sure when he got home he ddiscovered his mistake and wept openly. Next time stick your gum on his tag. Once a tag outer always a tag outer.


  6. Revenge is sweet, and lack of fashion sense is painful. Maybe dip a pen in chili powder and offer to lend it to your enemigo.
    P.S. I noticed you went to BYU. I graduated from there last December. Go cougs!

  7. That is no revenge. Someone who shreds another person's pen with his teeth doesn't care about a tag. You have to come up with something better. I don't know what, but I'm thinking...

  8. Anonymous10:01 PM

    ah revenge. I'm generally against it. But I guess if you have nothing else of importance to write about it's ok. Reminds me of how they blow things out of proportion like on Curb your Enthusiasm.
    Other than that I guess you're blog's ok (I have 2).

  9. Anonymous1:58 PM

    come on, blog something already!!
