Monday, October 24, 2005

First frost

I love fall.

No, actually, I love fall in Colorado.

This morning I woke up early, before the sun was up and got ready for my day. As I opened the door to leave I noticed that my car was covered in frost. The first frost of the year is magic to me. It is the one time the entire year where I am not inconvenienced by having to scrape that thin layer of ice off my windshield. I revel in the cold enchanting vortexes of the air escaping from my lungs. The morning feels fresh, new, and full of possibilities.

Instead of feeling flustered that the ice was going to make me late, I turned on my car and let it sit, warming itself up for me. I took those few unexpected free minutes to make myself an English muffin. I put so much butter on each half that the little craters were overflowing with melted yellow goodness. I stood in my front yard looking to the left, up to the beautiful flatiron mountains. They were imbued with the first early morning rosy light. I took a deep breath and realized that today was going to be a very good day.


  1. What a great way to start the week! It is nice that you took the time to appreciate all that is around you, I think that we too often rush through life just taking for granted that kind of stuff.

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Very nice observation.

    But be careful. In CO it is illegal to leave your car running / unsupervised. you can be ticketed for warming up your vehicle in your own driveway.

  3. Today was my first frost as well! However, I must admit, I was totally consumed with the thought of being late and the bother of waiting for the frost to melt. I will try to enjoy it tomorrow :)

  4. I read your 200 Things. If you wrote those all at once, that's amazing. If you added things slowly over time, you are my inspiration. I'm starting 100 Things, it will be a work in progress.
    ps. found you through egg in spoon, via jen garrett

  5. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I like english muffins too

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Wonderful! This post made me happy, and happy for you :) And wow... that English muffin sounds incredible. Can I come over and share one with you for breakfast tomorrow?

  7. Oh, I love fall too! But I hate scraping my windows. Thank goodness I have a garage to park in!

  8. i love fall too. it went from 80 degrees one day to 60 degrees the next, but i love it.

  9. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I loved your descriptive imagery, the enchanting vortices and all.
