Friday, November 04, 2005

Mental Prostitution

So I've been banging my head against my keyboard for the last 4 hours trying to figure out how to program.

This really nice guy I met yesterday asked how it was coming and I went off with my frustrations.

He sat down and helped me for an hour try to get this together.

And now it works like a dream.

My gratitude to him was thoroughly effusive. I seriously could not have done it without him.

After we were done we were chatting and he admitted that he doesn't have a lot of friends in the program and he was happy that he'd now made a friend.

It was so cute I almost wanted to reach over and give him a hug.

It was just like the scene at the end of Can't buy me Love when Kenneth is helping the cheerleader girl with her math so he could sit at the popular table at lunch.

Except, I am nowhere near as cool as that girl is,

Nor is my hair as big as hers,

but you get the picture.

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