Monday, January 23, 2006

My trip to the dark side

Today I took a trip to the dark side.

Mustering all the courage that I could I took my first tentative step into (duh duh duh) the engineering library.

Although I am an engineer through and through, for some reason I have always shied away from entering the inner sanctum of the engineering library. It always seemed to me that the engineering library was the ultimate demise of all potentially well-socially adjusted people. It was like as soon as anyone entered the twilight zone of the engineering library they were sucked into a vortex of taped together horn-rimmed glasses and high-water pants.

Anyway, I needed to use a book that was put on reserve which mean (horror of horrors) I would have to actually sit in that library the entire time I was using that book.

I went up to the counter and couldn't see anyone there to help me. There was a little silver concierge type bell and a sign indicating I was supposed to ring it. As if I didn't already feel like I, the only girl with mascara on for miles, didn't really fit in, now I was required to sound a bell to announce my presence. I reached my hand out and touched the top of the bell. Time stood still as every head turned in my direction. As though I had a sign on me that said, "look at me, I don’t belong" I turned to the librarian lady who had instantly appeared from nowhere.

There could not have been a more typical librarian at the counter. Short, overly curly, prematurely graying hair was accented by beautiful cat-eyed glasses and lovely faux gold chain attaching both ears. In a completely irritate tone she asked me for the call number of the book I was checking out. With shaking hand I gave her the call number and in a moment she returned with the tome.

It must have been a very valuable book because in the stare down she gave me reminded me of that one time I got pulled over for speeding coming home from a party on New Years. I must have been barely up to her standards, because she haltingly handed over the book.

As I sat at the table and furiously scribbled information I felt completely isolated. There was not a single other girl in the entire library. It was strange. As I walked back and forth, from and to the copy machine (which BTW was 15 cents a page!) I felt like I was a model on a runway. Not that I was looking that great, but I had a riveted audience.

One short hour later I shut the book, threw it off into a return bin, and scuttled out of there. Don't worry, upon close examination there seems to have been limited effect of the engineering library on my psyche. No socks with my sandals...check. Full length jeans....check. Ability to speak to the opposite gender....check.


  1. I loved the engineering library! It made me feel like a celebrity. Haha.

  2. Ha ha!! I'm glad you made it out unscathed! Although there was no mention of you being pocket protector-less so maybe not...

  3. I always hated getting books that were on reserve! And I wasn't even in the engineering library.

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "There could not have been a more typical librarian at the counter." How sad. Librarians are actually some of the coolest people I know. And yet the stereotypes live on . . .
