Thursday, March 09, 2006

Katie related Tid-bits

  • Yesterday it snowed a ton here in Colorado. Foolishly, I wore my very long, worn out jeans and my new green tennis shoes. After one walk across campus my pants were soaked to the knee and my feet were freezing.
  • When the ear doctor took me to dinner I didn't want to be wet and cold so I threw my stuff in his dryer and wore his huge sweatpants, boy-socks, and hiking shoes. It looked ridiculous.
  • After dinner I went out with my school friends. We saw a pretty decent band play and had some laughs. It was the first time I'd hung out with these boys outside of school. It was awesome.
  • I went to bed last night looking up at the constellations of glow-in-the-dark stars that someone probably stuck to my ceiling 10 years ago. It reminded me of my room from high school and I happily fell asleep missing my family.


  1. Hey,
    Those stars are still on the ceiling...

  2. Are you going to paint over them or just leave them there?
